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You want to play at Magasin 4 ? Send us your Cd and a biography at the following adress : Magasin 4, Rue de la Petite àŽle 3, Be-1070 Bruxelles or send us a link to your website by E-mail at

Magasin4 is a club founded in 1994 dedicated to alternative music : Hardcore, Funk, Punk, Alternative Rock, Ska, Pop, Experimental Musics, Chanson Franà§aise, Jazz and a lot of original fusions...

Rà©f : 25 Ta Life, Acid Mothers Temple, Aka Moon, Arkangel, Backyard Babies, Babylon Circus, Bollock Brothers, Caspar Brötzman, Converge, Double Nelson, Dub Trio, Eliot Sharp, Enthroned, Eugene Chadbourne, EyeHateGod, Fishbone, Future Loop Foundation, Jaid Fair & Kramer, Kylesa, Laberinto, Le Bal des Enragà©s, Legendary Pink Dots, Lenght of Time, Lofofora, Ltno, Ludwig von 88, Lydia Lunch, Mad Professor, Marcel et son Orchestre, Marky Ramone, Mass Hysteria, Melt-Banana, No Means No, NRA,  Oxbow, Parrabellum, Percubaba, Punish Yourself, Ruins, Satanic Surfers, Secret Chiefs 3, Senser, Sonny Vincent, Spaceheads, Subhumans, The Ex, The Saints, The Toasters,Today is The Day, Transport League, Tuxedomoon, Unsane, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Wampas, Watcha, Zeni Geva, Zenzile, Zion Train, Zu, ...

Magasin4 is a place where you can make discoveries. In this logic, the entrance fee is quite affordable

Magasin4, Rue des Goujons 158, 1070 Bruxelles


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Avenue du port, 51B B-1000 Brussels BELGIUM +32(2) 223 34 74
Web design by Malak
Graphic design by Sisca Locca
Development by ND